Submissions :
- Before submitting a paper, make sure that the manuscript is not under consideration by another journal, and that there is no publication fees for publication of the manuscript.
- Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to with mention “paper submission” in subject line.
- Please follow IJEEES Author guidelines for preparing the manuscript.
- The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all the other authors agree and approve the submission of the paper.
- Authors are requested to fill in the cover-letter and sent it when submitting paper.
- Authors are requested to sign a warranty and copyright agreement upon acceptance of their manuscript, before the manuscript can be published. The Copyright Transfer Agreement can be downloaded here (PDF Version).
- Every submitted research proposal is subjected to an initial screening process by the editor in chief
- If it is judged suitable, the paper will be a double blind peer-reviewed by at least two experts;
- The authors will receive proper notification of acceptance, remarks, comments and evaluation of their manuscripts.
- Journal requires the author to send a copyright transfer agreement to editor in chief via e-mail after submitting the final version of the accepted paper.