ISSN 2602-7437 (print version)

ISSN 2602-7429 (electronic version)

               IJEEES (International Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Systems) is a quarterly published by AAGEE (Association Algérienne de Génie Electrique et Electronique).

              IJEEES is an open access, peer reviewed journal providing a forum for the publication of original scientific contributions across a broad spectrum of Electronic and Electrical Engineering research areas.                 All papers are subject to peer review and are expected to meet standards of academic excellence. Therefore, Accept or Reject decisions are made based on the validity of the reported research, as well as the soundness of the employed research methods and the analysis undertaken to reach conclusions.                 The Journal publishes original articles and contributions on innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, as well as novel applications, by leading researchers and developers Systems publishing high-quality articles quarterly.                 The overall focus is on original and rigorous research results which have generic significance. The journal has both a printed and a free electronic version (via the web portal https://ijeees.com).                 Four issues per year are expected to be published in International Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Systems, with regular submitted papers about various topic of electrical and electronic engineering. This international journal endeavours are to provide an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. The editorial board encourages actively collaboration between academia and industry along the fields of electrical and automation technology.                 According to our standards that meet the needs of the scientific and scholarly research community, we look forward that IJEEES will be indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.                 All the published manuscripts in IJEEES journal must be in English language with high standards of scientific quality. This is ensured by subjecting each paper to a strict assessment procedure by members of the International editorial Advisory Board. The review is primarily based on the technical and quality criteria. If one of the basic technical criteria is not fulfilled the paper should be rejected.                   For more information please contact the editorial team : e-mail : abdelber.bendaoud@univ-sba.dz 


 Prof. Abdelber BENDAOUD